Growing Lush Green Grass in Your Garden

Landscaping Masters incorporates a comprehensive process of Hydroseeding. After evaluating the land where you choose to promote rapid grass growth, a homogeneous mixture composed of seeds, fertilizer, mulch, and water is made, which is subsequently sprayed onto the prepared soil.

We offer intellectual consultation to our clients across New Zealand, recommending the best seed mix for uniform germination. Landscaping Masters is best at utilizing effective and efficient methods of planting grass and vegetation suitable for beautifying residential, commercial, and public spaces.

Why Landscaping Masters for Hydroseeding?

  • Up-to-date Equipment: Unlike conventional techniques, Landscaping Masters equips state-of-the-art tools to spray the mixture evenly onto the land for uniform germination of seeds.
  • Precision Spraying: Landscaping Masters is the one you need to witness rapid and healthy green grass outside your space because we are bestowed with rare expertise in precision spraying.
  • Effective & Efficient Services: We simplify what seems like a complex process, making you want to return to Landscaping Masters again and again to avail of varied services. Because delivering effective and efficient service is our signature strength.